Aging is a symptom of the accumulation of damage to your body. For instance mitochondria damage (your muscle engines wearing down), buildup of waste products that your biological system can no longer handle properly and the damage generated by the daily stress placed on you body. You are not as efficient at defending your self, repairing yourself or cleansing yourself. Immune system functions, your diet and how much and how well you sleep all play a part.

Chronic inflammation occurs when the inflammation cause remains after the immune system response to eliminate it fails. In addition inflammation caused by poor lifestyle choices bombards the system repeatedly and over time causes lasting damage and the body can’t recover. Diet is a main contributor to inflammation but it doesn’t have to be. Three quarters of your immune system lives in your digestive tract so it is important not to disrupt and in fact to assist the gut microbiome by making healthy eating choices, ones that feed the healthy bacteria in your gut so it assists them in their work.

Sleep is an important factor in the physiological function of every system in your body. Sleep permits your body to repair and recover. It is important to develop sleep patterns that adjust to your circadian rhythms. Your body is designed to respond to sunlight and darkness and this night and day cycle is a powerful signal. Failing to heed this signal prevents the body from receiving the full benefits sleep provides.

Diet and sleep are big ingredients in the mixture that slows the damage inflicted on your body as the years go by. Eliminate chronic inflammation and you help your body heal reducing the accumulative damage we know as aging.