I believe that sooner than later certain types of exercise will be doctor prescribed to combat the ailments that are associated with aging. Study after study has confirmed that exercise improves even reverses the decline of physical and mental abilities associated with getting older. When once we accepted that the aches, pains and mental slow down of getting older was a natural progression. A progress of decline that we had little control over. We accepted that frailty was unavoidable and was a natural association with getting older. Yes we would see those outliers that where running a marathon at 80 or surfing, swimming, competing a weightlifting or doing some other feats of strength. But, that wasn’t the norm that was unusual and those people were seen a freaks of nature. Now we are coming to understand that being healthy and strong in our retirement years can be normal for most people. What is the magic ingredient that can accomplish this new standard of normal, simple exercise. Doing some weight lifting coupled with some form of cardio exercise can be magic. Challenging the body on a regular basis will cause the body to adapt to the challenge and grow muscle, build cardio respiratory endurance and help to keep the brain healthy.

It is always better to start sooner than later. Of course it would be healthier to do these types of workouts throughout your lifetime but that doesn’t mean that starting later in life even when your 50, 60 70, 80s or beyond you won’t see positive results. Studies have clearly shown benefits to adding exercise at any age. Increasing health span is the goal. Being healthier longer adds quality of life and that means more options on what you want to do with your time as you age. Health gives you more freedom not withstanding financial limitations, good health improves freedom and quality of life.

So how do you start. Apologies for the old Nike saying “Just Do It”, but you start by just getting moving. Take a walk, sit in a chair and stand up – repeat just simple things but simple is often better because they are readily available. Don’t wait for a doctors prescription get your age defying exercise on now.