At the start of many people make the mistake of doing too much too soon. Throwing too much at muscles that aren’t conditioned will result in delayed onset muscle soreness known as DOMS. The muscle soreness will last for about 72 hours and is often the reason these well intentioned but misinformed beginning exercisers stop exercising. Done right, you can expect some soreness but it is a good feeling one in which you know you accomplished something and it puts you back in touch with your body. If you over did it,  it is not so good and you maybe too uncomfortable to work out again in 48 hours. Start slow and gradually build upon a basic exercise foundation and some amazing things will happen. You will gain energy, rather than being tired all the time your energy levels will increase. It is the inverse of what you would expect but exercise will raise your energy levels, you will sleep better and you will better be able to control your appetite.

After a few weeks of exercise your body will adapt, you will increase the mitochondria in your muscle. The mitochondria are the engines that make your muscles work. They convert your energy stores in fuel, so the carbohydrates, protein and fats you consume will be converted at a higher rate. your muscles become more efficient. Studies have shown that after six to eight weeks of exercise a person’s mitochondria can increase up to 50%. At this point you will look and feel different. You will be able to see the conditioning in your muscles and your endurance will be improved. Your day to day activities will be easier to perform and you will feel it.

Remember this is a lifestyle change, a long term prospect. After a year you will be at less risk of developing osteoporosis, heart disease,  arthritis, type 2 diabetes, dementia, and certain types of cancer like breast and colon cancer. If you already suffer from these ailments exercise will likely improve the symptoms. Exercise also lowers the risk of anxiety and depression and in fact exercise is being studied as a prescription and alternative treatment to drugs for these aliments.

A balanced diet is also an important ingredient in a healthy lifestyle and it also gets easier to eat right when you are in control of your body. Exercise helps to give you that control. Exercise helps you to connect back with your body so you can again feel your muscles working that connection will help you make good choices in your diet and lifestyle. Exercise will have a synergistic affect and put you on the path to health and wellness but you have to start and stick to a well developed exercise plan. If you need help getting there contact me.