The number of persons over 65 years of age in the United States is expanding rapidly. The population aged 65 and over will increase substantially between 2010 and 2030, doubling in number from the year 2000. In 2000 there were 35 million people 65 and over, in 2030 that number will be 72 million. In my mind that qualifies as a major shift and since those persons in this group are known as the Baby Boomers it is an aging boom. This growth in the older population suggests we should examine what aging well means. For members of this group we should closely examine what we should do to make the most out of these “golden years”. Seneca a well known Stoic Philosopher said this, “A man afraid of death will never play the part of a live man.” he also said “take the lighter view of these things…it is more civilized to laugh at life than to lament over it.” How best to laugh at life as we grow older in my view is to plan and prepare for what aging will throw our way. At age 65 we can expect to have lost 25% of the lean muscle that we had at 25. Our cardiovascular system is much less efficient and metabolism has slowed considerable at this point in our life. We are slower, less stabile and have less energy at 65 and above. Much less likely to feel like laughing at life under those conditions.

Plan and prepare for these changes much like your financial planning for your retirement. It is not too late to build some muscle; muscles don’t know they are old and will respond to the proper stimuli and will grow. You can improve cardio and lung function will some exercise. Strength and cardio training will also improve metabolism and add some vitality to your life. If you are part of the boom get yourself ready to take on this life change with some planning and some fun lifestyle adaptations. If you want to know how contact me [email protected]

Categories: Health