Did you exercise today? Did you take that step towards living well into old age? If you did congratulations. Now you have to do it again tomorrow and again the next day until it becomes a habit. Continue until it becomes so ingrained in your daily habits that if you miss you will notice and you will feel it and you won’t want to miss a workout again. We are creatures of habit and that is good when it comes to daily exercise. You will get to the point where you don’t want to miss and you will go out of your way to make sure you get it in. That’s where you have to get to and you will be rewarded with more vitality. You will build lean muscle and be able better withstand the hazards of aging. Reinforce your body against the aging decline that you have observed in others. You can resists this decline.

If you didn’t get a workout in today that’s ok you can start tomorrow. You know you should and you know deep down you want to be that person that finds the secret to aging well. We are all good at making excuses. Don’t beat yourself up but do take an honest assessment of what you are doing and why you are doing it and see if you can’t come to the truth about what you need to do for your health. Don’t lie to yourself or tell yourself you can’t do it. You can and you should, your health is an important component of your life and it has value. How much is up to you but the old saying applies “it is much easier to keep good health than try to earn to back.” Researchers say successful change comes in stages and how long it takes is up to the individual. Making healthy lifestyle changes affects not only your risk for disease and the way you feel today but also your health and ability to function independently later in life.

Don’t be motivated or driven by guilt, fear or regret those negative thoughts won’t help you to make positive long lasting healthy habits. Rather focus on positive motivators and do it because you want to. Self motivation works over the long haul. Don’t give yourself fuzzy goals rather be specific about what you want to accomplish. Instead of saying I will exercise tell yourself exactly what you will do for example, I will walk briskly for 20 minutes, I will do 10 air squats when I first get up, at lunch time and right before I eat dinner everyday. Keep track, write a quick note in a journal to yourself everyday. If you miss a day or a set don’t let that interfere with your goal get back at it and do it ASAP. Don’t let a failed day make you fail to reach your goal. The effort you make is worthwhile and it is the cumulative effect you are reaching for. Make it a habit and make yourself into a person who sees themselves as a healthy strong person. Be the change you want to see. You know the secret. If you need help let me know I can help you get there [email protected]