Often when I talk to people about exercise it is in terms of work or something they have to do. Working out is considered just that work. Time is scheduled and specific exercises are conducted, repetitions are counted and sets are tallied. Everything is counted and and added much like you do at work to demonstrate exactly what has been accomplished or in the case of exercise completed. While I do think it is important that exercise be tracked, especially with weight training to ensure that the weights are progressed appropriately. Too much, too soon, or too little all can negatively impact the progress and pose injury hazards. That doesn’t mean that exercise whether it is weight training, yoga, running or whatever form of movement you choose can’t be fun, in fact it should be enjoyable. If it is only viewed as something that must be done it becomes more like work than fun and you are less likely to continue to do it over the long term. The goal is to make exercise a part of your life for the rest of your life. Something that if you stop doing you will take notice and choose to find ways to bring it back. So don’t look at exercise as work or something that you must do. Create the mindset where you recognize the value exercise brings and where you enjoy the feeling of moving and challenging your body. Being able to effectively use your body is a blessing. Be grateful for whatever level of physical activity you can preform and strive to move more, and strengthen your muscles. The returns you get will greatly offset the input time. Have fun, accept the challenge and enjoy the process that is required for physical development. Have some fun with your workout.