Covid-19 is still here. Months and months after the initial contagion we are still facing the consequences. We were originally told to lock down, put things on hold for 3 weeks then life will resume. That didn’t happen and weeks have turned into months. I’m afraid that months may turn into years. All the expert information seems suspect and now the lockdown has turned political and you are expected to pick sides. I don’t have any solutions and I just try and digest the pandemic information with a grain of salt. I try and discern what the truth really is, but it seems pretty slippery and just when you think you have a grasp it gets away from you. So what do you do. Put your life on hold and wait it out. Live life as you would prior to the cover-19 and risk the life ending or life altering affects. Either way you are hoping that you will be one of the lucky ones if you get it and you are asymptomatic.

I’m 65 years old and know that life is short and my window is closing. I would like to travel see the country and enjoy the natural beauty that our National Parks offer. I am one of those people that worked hard long hours for 40 plus years, saving money to enjoy my retirement years. Now that I look back that was a mistake but it was all I knew and was part of the work ethic and culture I grew up in and lived. Knowing now what I know I would have traveled more and experienced more and would recommend to others younger than me to do just that. Don’t wait, do what you can while you can because life is short and the opportunities may not be there for you later. So what advice do I give now to those my age. I really don’t have any except, try and stay healthy as long as you can. Exercise, eat right, get away from the standard American diet it is slowing killing you. Research what a good diet is and don’t expect your doctor to provide the answers as most doctors are at least 10-15 years behind the research on healthy eating if they have any knowledge at all.

Do the best you can don’t beat yourself for a bad moment, or bad day. Just start again and try to improve incrementally. Change small things in your diet. Do little bits of exercise they all add up. As for the Covid-19 restrictions and the new normal. Adapt be flexible, accept the changes with a smile and encourage others to do the same. Don’t be bitter and constantly rail against what you view as restrictions. Learn to love your life as it is. This doesn’t mean you have to readily accept all the changes without question. Of course read and study the situation and make the best out of what you are presented. Try and be a positive up lifting person in doing so you will improve your life and the life of those around you. Exercise a little, get outside when you can, sleep well, eat well and live well. This is your life it doesn’t belong to the pandemic it is yours to experience and you only get to do it once. Do it the best you can. I hope your Groundhog Day is a good one.