Sometimes it is hard to get started. When you know you should make some changes in your life. Changes that will improve your health and yet it is hard to get started. Eating right and exercising sound good but are difficult to institute as your everyday lifestyle. It is easy to continue in the same patterns everyday and it is comforting to have that good old routine. Even when you know that routine is not healthy. That extra glass of wine while winding down in front of the TV. That sweet something that hits your sweet spot that never seems to be satisfied. Bing watching that Netflix show when you know that you should be sleeping. All things you know you should curtain or limit but you find it difficult because these things give you comfort. Comfort in times of stress are especially needed and nowadays who isn’t stressed all the time. Just turn on the news, politics, the economy, the pandemic, will schools open, and then there are the murder hornets,WTH.

So what to do. Do a little something. You don’t have to make all the big changes at the same time. You just need to do a little something towards your healthy goals everyday. Just a small step each day and build upon each step. Gain confidence that you can do it and before you know it you gain a little more control each day. You feel better when you make a choice to do something that is good for you and you can flip that switch and start building your willpower until suddenly you find you are in control. You can discipline yourself and you can win some of these battles against the unhealthy choices and choose what you know is better for you. So do a little something each day and before you know it those little somethings combine to be big somethings that drive good health.