What has fear got to do with it? Are we letting fear dictate are lives? Fear is suppose to be a healthy emotion. Fear is healthy in that it imparts control over your response to dangerous situations. Fear can save us from threats whether physical, emotional or psychological. So when utilize as intended fear is a good thing it can be life saving. But, fear can also be debilitating and we can learn to fear almost anything real or imagined. Fear must be balanced with common sense and experience or it can get out of control and stunt our lives.

We are currently living in an era of heightened fear that is purposely being imposed upon us by government, media and institutions as a means of control. This fear control is designed to limit the spread of the Covid-19 disease but it is often just used as a short cut to obtain compliance rather than the heavy lifting of obtaining informed consent. Our elected officials at all levels have failed to lead and have used fear to protect their positions of power rather than trust the wisdom and good intentions of their constituents to obtain desired results. This fear mongering has destroyed the level of trust that is necessary for the governance of a free society. The result is a fractured nation that has one side disbelieve everything pumped out from the establishment including “science” because there is always a very clear political bent to message. Remember in March when the message was not to wear masks as they did no good and could actually be harmful, to the current message we should wear 2 layers of masks to protect from the new strain of the virus. One group now goes maskless as a badge of honor. The other side believes everything that is spit out by the elected officials and their handmaidens the media. Remember the riots that were “mainly peaceful”, while anyone with a honest eye could see otherwise. This group remains quarantined screaming at anyone not wearing a mask, fully supporting the “science” that males that identify as females should athletically compete against females choosing to ignore that pesky testosterone hormone.

Where does that leave the rest of us that try and discern the truth, that look at all sides and find deception in all quarters. This is little space left for the honest brokers and truth seekers but that is the space that we must find and cultivate. There is still room for honest disagreement and open discussion. My beliefs or opinions may be completely wrong but how am I to discern that without the opportunity to openly and honestly express them especially with those that have opposing views. We can’t fully develop without the exchange of ideas, especially with new or different ideas than our own. QAnon and the far-right conspiracy theory exists because an open fair exchange of ideas is not present. So too with the “woke” left and free speech that isn’t free if it questions the social justice ideals they seek. Many remain fearful to express their opinions even to the point of suspending political debate which in turn opens the door for extremists on both sides to dictate policy and party direction. This is wrong. If I disagree with you it doesn’t mean that I am Hitler or a member of Antifa. It merely means I have different life experiences that have molded my opinions differently than yours. Most likely we have many things in common and we both want what is best for our families and communities. We can only find that common ground by having open and free discussion without fear of being attacked or canceled because we disagree.

Fear is limiting much of what we can and can’t do, both physically and mentally. Afraid of the physical virus and afraid of the psychological virus, puts us in a difficult position a rock and a hard place with little space for comfort. So my suggestion is to get out of that tiny comfort place you have carved out for yourself and stop being afraid. Live your life all be it with some protections in place where necessary. Get as heathy as you can, exercise, eat right, get some sunshine, supplement with some vitamin D, and turn off the TV news and social media streams. Reduce mental stress when possible. Incorporate physical stress in small doses like cold showers and sauna bathing and some HIIT training. Be open minded be willing to express you views without imposing them on others, but also be willing and open to others views especially if they are in opposition to your own. This mental stretching is how we grow. Don’t let fear dictate your life. Make logical informed decisions assessing the risks involved and accept that life has never been free of risk and that it is your responsibility to understand and manage the risks that you face daily. Chose life on terms you can dictate and accept the terms you cannot but don’t let fear control your actions. Life is short and the clock is always ticking don’t waste time living in what could have been rather live in what joy life is right now. The predator has always been right outside, humans survive by adapting and overcoming. Adapt and overcome the fear that is pervasive and clouding our lives today. Disinfect the world with your own sunshine.