Aging is often viewed as a negative process. One is which the quality of life, the essence that makes life worth living slowly eroding away. This erosion seems inevitable. A bargain of more time equals less quality. But, it may not have to be that way. Research has been developing new ways to think about aging. That aging can now be viewed as a disease rather than a natural course of events is a monumental shift which opens the door to treatments and continuing research. This shift will have dramatic effects on the quality of life for millions. Aging disease treatment will encourage the elderly to take charge of their lives and seek improvement rather than sit quietly and accept what was once believed to be the enviable decline.

Exercise, the current king of the anti-aging decline may take a back seat to other modalities. Supplementation, medication and other treatments are jumping to the forefront of the aging disease fight. Supplements such as MNM, medication like Metforman, and treatments like red light, sauna, and cold plunge all seem to have some mechanism of improvement. And there are many more currently being examined. Exercise though continues to have a prominent place in the battle against aging and will continue to be a key player going forward. These are exciting times for the anti-aging crowd so your goal should be to stay as healthy as you can for as long as you can in hopes that science will produce anti-aging treatments or even reverse aging modalities is a time horizon that will benefit you. The race for improved logevity is on. Don’t quit and you might reap the rewards that the new science of aging disease may bring.