Meal Timing and weight loss

How Changing When You Eat Could Lead to Significant Weight Loss It’s true. More calories go into storage if you’re eating when your body thinks you should be resting. Ashley Kappel Late-night snacking and constant grazing have long been thought to lead to weight gain and signal an unhealthy lifestyle, Read more…

Faster means longer

Ben Greenfield I sensed the curious stare of the old woman sitting next to me on the airplane as I fumbled with my phone, thumb-tapping like a madman. The countdown on the screen neared one minute: 57-58-59-60. Then my score appeared: 122. I pumped my fist, then looked at her, Read more…

Longevity and lifestyle

A few simple habits can tack some extra years on your lifespan You can do more for your health. And it’s not that hard. Eat healthy foods. Exercise regularly. Don’t smoke. We hear these instructions from doctors, friends, parents, and strangers on the internet so often that the words start Read more…

Live longer

Every day it seems like there’s new advice for living longer: drink red wine, add turmeric to that morning latte, or try these dozens of other things. Now, researchers from Harvard University have nailed down the best ways to add more than a decade to your life. All you need Read more…

Exercise and body fat health

One little understood paradox in the study of obesity is that overweight people who break down fat at a high rate are less healthy than peers who store their fat more effectively. That’s because when fat breaks down, many of the fatty acids released from the adipose tissue (body fat) Read more…

Autophagy and Fasting

For the last time, forget juice cleanses and detox diets. They’re fluffy nonsense words. While there’s probably nothing wrong with drinking your weight in liquid kale, it won’t flush out toxins any faster than if you were eating, you know, actual food. The good news: There’s a little-known way your Read more…

Eating Right

The Last Conversation You’ll Ever Need to Have About Eating Right Mark Bittman and doctor David L. Katz patiently answer pretty much every question we could think of about healthy food. It’s beyond strange that so many humans are clueless about how they should feed themselves. Every wild species on Read more…