Life is about living

We can live in fear and isolation or we can choose life. I have been thinking a lot about the current state of affairs and about what my role should be in stabilizing the current social upheaval. The current focus is on evil and on hate. The media and social media continue to blast us minute by minute with pictures and videos, articles and memes about how bad the world is and how evil people Read more…

Helpless in the Homeland

Stuck at home for months due to the virus Covid-19. Just waiting out the disease threat until a vaccine is developed or the R-naught is below 1. Patiently waiting for the government OK to start your old life back again. Trying to do the right thing so as not to endanger others with compromised immune systems. Do the right thing so those weakest in the community stay safe. You sheltered in place, you wore a Read more…

Crazy Times

I have avoided posting much during the pandemic lockdown. Enough other people were taking care of putting up in- home workouts and bodyweight training videos and articles so I didn’t feel the need. But now after the bad police incident in Minneapolis and the subsequent riots across the country, there is a need to talk about health and especially mental health. My County in Pennsylvania was just ready to open up, Go Green according to Read more…

Reverse Aging with Exercise

One type of exercise “reverses” aging’s effect on stem cells — study Aging takes a toll on your muscle tissue. Researchers discover one type of activity puts this process in reverse. As people age, they lose muscle mass and the risk of heart disease, dementia, and reduced immune function increases. As the years tick by, it becomes harder for people to bounce back from a workout, injury, or illness. Consistent exercise can slow down this Read more…

Older and Fatter

Projected U.S. State-Level Prevalence of Adult Obesity and Severe Obesity List of authors. Zachary J. Ward, M.P.H.,  Sara N. Bleich, Ph.D.,  Angie L. Cradock, Sc.D.,  Jessica L. Barrett, M.P.H.,  Catherine M. Giles, M.P.H.,  Chasmine Flax, M.P.H.,  Michael W. Long, Sc.D.,  and Steven L. Gortmaker, Ph.D. BACKGROUND Although the national obesity epidemic has been well documented, less is known about obesity at the U.S. state level. Current estimates are based on body measures reported by persons Read more…

Where’s the Beef

People of a certain age will remember the Wendy’s slogan from the ’80s. The slogan attacked a competing fast food chain restaurant implying that you got more meat with Wendy’s hamburger. The slogan took hold and got life outside of Wendy’s and advertising. The slogan was used to challenge ideas, other products and became commonplace to question the substance in question. Politicians proposed new policies and the counter would be “where’s the beef”, which brought Read more…

Are You Up to the Challenge

A lot of people are participating in the 30 minute challenge during February. The idea is to do some type of 30 minute workout everyday and then post a picture of the metrics from your smart watch to your group of fellow challenge participants. The group then can support each other and reinforce the idea of “we are all in this together”. I have followed along and watched this challenge work, as participants go out Read more…

Have some fun

Often when I talk to people about exercise it is in terms of work or something they have to do. Working out is considered just that work. Time is scheduled and specific exercises are conducted, repetitions are counted and sets are tallied. Everything is counted and and added much like you do at work to demonstrate exactly what has been accomplished or in the case of exercise completed. While I do think it is important Read more…

Medicare and Muscles

The common perception of a Medicare age person is one of wrinkled, weak, unsteady on their feet and a declining quality of life. While that perception can be true for some people it doesn’t have to true for you. While genetics plays a role, lifestyle can have a much larger impact than many believe. You can make choices that overcome many of the drivers of health decline. While it is true that time always wins, Read more…