Chasing High Cholesterol, when size does matter.

Everyone in my family suffers from high cholesterol but I shouldn’t say suffer because no one has had any ill effects. Heart disease is relatively unknown in my family but it is very common that family members will have cholesterol levels approaching 300. My cholesterol levels where consistently in the 300 range as well and when I turned 45 my doctor strongly suggested I consider a daily dose of a prescription Statin to lower the Read more…


“wis·dom [ˈwizdəm] NOUN the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise. synonyms: sagacity · intelligence · sense · common sense · shrewdness · astuteness · smartness · judiciousness · judgment · prudence · circumspection · logic · rationale · rationality · [more] the soundness of an action or decision with regard to the application of experience, knowledge, and good judgment:” Good judgement, common sense and having experience. What does Read more…

Diet or Exercise which is it?

Diet or exercise which is the most important component of healthy living? To start let me just say they both are important and both should be a part of your daily practices. But, if you diligently went to the gym and exercised consistently would that overcome or compensate for a bad diet? Probably not. Diet better controls weight, the risk of disease and longevity. What and how much you eat has more direct input into Read more…

Throw out the USDA Food Guide Pyramid

If you are like me you tried to follow the guidelines implemented by the United State Department of Agriculture with the famous Food Guide Pyramid. The pyramid  guide came out in 1992, but the food recommendations began in 1980 and has been widely used ever since. If you wanted to be healthy you tried to plan your daily meals according to the guidelines as follows 6-11 servings of bread, cereal, rice and pasta, 2-4 servings Read more…

Exercise and burning Fat

Exercise releases a hormone that helps the body remove fat and keep it off. The hormone irisin converts white fat, which is considered bad fat or fat that can be harmful, to brown fat a fat that has beneficial health benefits. White fat stores calories, brown fat burns energy. The study was published in the American Journal of Physiology, Endocrinology, and Metabolism. Knowing that the body produces small amounts of irisin while the body is Read more…

Confused about what healthy eating really means?

A recent report demonstrates further that what the so called experts are telling us is healthy eating may be incorrect. Saturated and unsaturated fat are not the harbingers of death they once were thought to be and a high-carb diet is more likely a causal factor in heart related health problems than once believed. The European Society of Cardiology study presentation showed that high carbohydrate intake was directly related to a substantially higher risk of Read more…

What happen’s to your body when you start a regular exercise program?

At the start of many people make the mistake of doing too much too soon. Throwing too much at muscles that aren’t conditioned will result in delayed onset muscle soreness known as DOMS. The muscle soreness will last for about 72 hours and is often the reason these well intentioned but misinformed beginning exercisers stop exercising. Done right, you can expect some soreness but it is a good feeling one in which you know you Read more…

How do I start?

Follow the old Nike saying ‘just do it”. People are frightened surrounding the mystery of resistance training. They have the old stereotype in mind, with the muscle bound sweaty men lifting huge weights in a dimly lit dirty garage grunting and making animal noises. That’s not what I’m talking about and yes that thought can be off putting. The idea of venturing into a gym with no idea of what to do can be intimidating Read more…

What’s holding you back?

Life is about adapting and being resilient. Successful species learn how to adjust and adapt to changing conditions in order to thrive. Humans are no different. If you want to thrive as you age you have to be open to change and to adapt to the changes that invariable will come into your life. The old saying getting old is not for the weak, applies. Be strong enough to accept that aging requires you to Read more…

Strength Training equates to longer life!

Penn State College of Medicine conducted a 15 year  study of persons 65 years of age and older. Of those that did some type of strength training there was a 46% less likely chance they would die than the members of the cohort that did not strength train. The assumption that the persons that strength trained were most likely in better health in the first place is probably true,. But, the study adjusted for BMI, Read more…